I've been meaning to write a blog for a while now. Not only to appease my nearest and dearest, who have been encouraging me to do so for some time, but I thought it might act as tonic. Perhaps clear the ramblings that race about my mind, like a pack of ants charged up on speed. However, every time I sat down to navigate the keyboard, the words failed to reach my fingertips. I could never seem to find a point...you know, a reason to actually spew my thoughts out into cyberspace. And so it went, onto the really-should-but-probably-never-will-pile.
As I woke on this glorious sunny Sydney morning, I was mentally bombarded with the typical musings pertinent to a new years day. What can I do, how can I change, to ensure that this year is bigger, better and brighter than those before it? This fresh, hopeful positivity slowly gave way, as the speed snorting ants began their invasion, reminding me of the gargantuan financial (now there's a dirty word) changes I need to make if I ever want to get some sort of 'order' in my life (exactly what order means will be explored at a later date). Now such thoughts are not new to me. Since I signed my first sordid credit card transaction some 9 years ago, I have been spiraling down the hell hole that is debt and despair. Not for one second do I contest to be alone in said hell hole. Everyone has their financial woes. But let it be said, mine, and the control I seem to hold over them, is at an all time bad. Perhaps it's because my 'late twenties' are looming and I feel a foreboding sense of responsibility (another dirty word). No longer can I bask in the denial that the early and mid twenties brings, where student living is still standard and a round of jager bombs takes precedence over paying the monthly phone bill. Perhaps it's because now I spend my time attending the lavish birthday parties not of my friends, but their children. I go to weddings that in price would feed a small island, and housewarmings that celebrate investments...rather than intoxication. All the while, I remain the shitful friend that struggles to scrounge a present to bring to any of the aforementioned affairs.
So as the sun sets on this first day of the new year, I'm going to talk dirty...lay all my little secrets out on the table....or screen, as it were. When blissfully ignored, debts (uggggghh) can blur into a bunch of numbers and zeros tucked away in bank accounts that never really exist. Until you get the call from your friendly customer service professional to remind you that you're three months behind in credit card payments, the mailman delivers another fine from your old mates at The Infringement Court, and Vodafone suspends your account. Again.
So here it is folks, my situation as it stands. I know these things really should be kept private, but I feel that if I take this public I will finally face my finances and take accountability.
Personal Loan: $4646.28 (a pleasant surprise-I thought that was sitting around the 6G mark! Woo hoo, things are looking up!)
Credit Card 1: $953.21 (limit $1000)
Credit Card 2: $5957. 59 (limit $6000)
Fines (F*#K!): $1684.00
Misc (education, bills etc): $1220
Making a plum total of: $14461.08
Now I realise this is not entirely consuming. Sizable, but not slit-your-wrists bad. What is consuming however, is that the 'in' (what comes into my bank account) truly does not match the 'out' (what is needed to make this sad state of affairs manageable, at the least). Many, if not most people that I know will have a far greater dint in their pocket. That dint however, is probably due to a house, a child, a wedding....wonderful and rewarding things that come at a monetary cost. If I had such momentous things to show for my dues, perhaps my rant would not be underscored with such woe. All I have accrued is a bunch of bags, dresses and shoes that are probably a) lost b) in a Vinnie's bin c) stained or d) hanging like lifeless limbs in my closet. Additionally, I have a Music Theatre CERTIFICATE (note Certificate, not a degree, just a $20,000 dollar way of discovering that I can't dance), and oh, I am also paving some of Victoria's new footpaths thanks to my hefty fine fiasco.
So yes, here I stand, almost 27, with a certificate in Music Theatre, ready to conquer the world. Or at least, my debts. Much of my problem (the phrase 'There are no problems, only resolutions' springs to mind-BAH) is that I have dedicated much of my life to a career in the performing arts. Not the most stable of careers, I hear you cry. Yeah. No shit. But hey, when I formulated these dreams as a child I had no idea of the lifestyle that comes with such a pursuit. And as my gal pals sit and discuss mortgage brokers, I wonder where the hell my next gig is coming from and kind of wish I had romantic childhood aspirations of becoming, oh you know, a neurosurgeon.
I have always been one to follow my dreams. Wildly, sometimes blindly, but always with love and conviction. And though it may seem otherwise, I have always believed that what is in you heart far surpasses what is in your wallet. However, when the inherent anxiety of wallet woes starts to infiltrate your heart, mind and general well-being, it is time to take action. For me, that time is now.
Now I am not a hopeless, or helpless kind of girl. I mean, woman. Gulp. I'm reasonably talented, attractive after a good nights sleep, vibrant at the best of times, neurotic at the worst, and yes, I have a decent brain between my ears. In fact *cue gloating* there was a time when I actually duxed my high school HSC with a UAI of 99.40. Proud moment much? SO WHY THE HELL HAVE I SPENT MOST OF THIS LAST YEAR ON A CENTRELINK UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFIT!?!? (I told you I am talking dirty). Yes, I shudder over the fact, but I don't have enough fingers and toes to count the amount of times I have crept into a Centrelink office, wishing I were in disguise, to make a claim. Don't get me wrong, I have no issues whatsoever with those that are on a government benefit. But it's when drunk Bobby at the front of the line starts shouting profanities about alien encounters that one really starts to question what one is doing with oneself. Especially when one was dux of their freakin school. So yes, I needed a little help from the tax payers. No, I'm not proud of it, but I've chosen to take on a competitive industry and work isn't always abundant. And, like everyone else, I am plagued with doubt and paralysing self-analysis. And, like everyone else, I desperately crave the clarity and direction that will shed some light on exactly what the hell I'm supposed to be doing with my life! But I'll save that for another day.
Right now, my only plan, in this moment, is to take charge. Through this blog, or diary if you will, I will document my each and every action, not only in eradicating the digits you see above, but to find the empowerment we all deserve. Not only financially, but holistically. Scrap the really-should-but-probably-never-will-pile and just have one big DONE pile. Now that would be nice. Sometimes, we just need to stand up, lay it out on the table and take accountability. Get the ants out of our head and hand it over to the universe.
We have to get dirty before we can be clean right?